The Evolution of the STRG Alumni Portal: From Concept to Profile Management and Annual Alumni Days in Just One Click

I present the STRG Alumnio Portal. A groundbreaking step in digitalization that empowers our alumni to effortlessly manage their profiles and sign up or withdraw from the annual Alumni Days. Behind the scenes is a PHP-based platform that not only streamlines profile management but also facilitates exporting profiles to PowerPoint through a customized script.

The Idea Behind the Alumni Portal

The vision of creating an Alumni Portal emerged from the desire to maintain a stronger connection with our former students. It's not just a place where graduates can share their professional achievements but also a platform that fosters a continued bond with our school community.

Development with PHP

After careful planning and coordination, we embarked on developing the portal using PHP – a powerful and flexible scripting language for web development. Choosing PHP not only allowed for rapid development but also provided easy scalability for future expansions.

Profile Management

The centerpiece of the Alumni Portal is undoubtedly profile management. Our alumni can update their personal and professional information, upload photos, and provide their current contact details. This feature not only keeps us connected but also offers alumni a platform to network with each other.

Registration and Withdrawal for Alumni Days

The annual Alumni Days are highlights that we all look forward to. The Alumni Portal simplifies participation with an easy registration and withdrawal process for the event. Alumni can confirm their attendance with just one click, staying up-to-date on upcoming events.

Exporting Profiles to PowerPoint

A special highlight of our portal is the ability to export alumni profiles to PowerPoint with just a few steps. Thanks to a custom-developed script, this process is now easier than ever. This feature not only facilitates creating presentations for Alumni Days but also provides an efficient way to use the data for other purposes.


The development and implementation of our Alumni Portal signify a significant step in the digital transformation of our gymnasium. The ability to maintain connections with our alumni and optimize the organization of Alumni Days is invaluable. The community's response has been positive, and we look forward to continually improving and adapting this platform to best meet the needs of our esteemed alumni.

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, our Alumni Portal sets new standards for nurturing school communities. We take pride in taking this path and are excited about future developments and the growing engagement of our valued alumni.