Proxmox - A Comprehensive Solution for Virtual Environments

Today, I want to share my experiences with Proxmox, a powerful virtualization platform that I've successfully installed on my modified laptop. Virtualization allows running multiple operating systems simultaneously on a single device, and Proxmox has proven to be a reliable solution in this regard.

Choosing the Right Virtualization Tool

After deciding to explore virtualization on an old laptop, I began the search for the right tool. That's when I came across Proxmox, an open-source platform based on Debian, supporting both KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) for hardware-level virtualization and LXC (Linux Containers) for operating system virtualization. The versatility and user-friendly web interface of Proxmox caught my attention.

Installation and Configuration

Installing Proxmox on the modified laptop turned out to be surprisingly straightforward. The process involved downloading the installation image from the official website, creating a bootable medium, and following the installation wizard. In no time, Proxmox was up and running on my device.

Post-installation, I was impressed with Proxmox's clear web interface. Here, I could effortlessly create new virtual machines, manage existing ones, and monitor resource usage. The intuitive user interface made it easy for me, even as a beginner, to become productive quickly.

Virtual Machines and Containers

Proxmox allowed me to create both virtual machines and containers. Virtual machines offer the capability to run different operating systems isolated from each other, while containers provide lightweight application-level virtualization. This flexibility opens up a variety of use cases, whether for development, testing, or even running different operating systems in parallel.

Performance and Stability

Another positive aspect of Proxmox is its impressive performance and stability. Both virtual machines and containers ran smoothly on my laptop without any noticeable impact on overall performance. The ability to flexibly allocate resources like CPU, RAM, and storage allows for optimal utilization of available hardware.


Overall, I'm impressed with Proxmox and its seamless integration on my modified laptop. The platform has proven to be extremely reliable and user-friendly. Its versatility in supporting both virtual machines and containers makes it an ideal solution for various applications.